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Battery Attorney In Tucson, Arizona

Facing Battery Charges? We Can Help

If you've been accused of battery charges in Arizona, you need Jeffrey and Gary Grynkewich to stand by you. Battery allegations, be it simple or aggravated, carry hefty potential consequences, such as prison time, and can severely tarnish your reputation.  That's why it's crucial to have experienced criminal defense attorneys on your side.

In Arizona, battery is defined as intentionally or knowingly causing physical injury to another person, or recklessly causing serious physical injury. This can include actions such as punching, kicking, or even spitting on someone. Battery charges can also arise from situations where a person uses a deadly weapon or instrument to cause harm.

It's important to note that battery charges do not require actual physical contact between the defendant and the alleged victim. In some cases, simply making threatening gestures or displaying aggressive behavior towards someone can result in a battery charge.

If a police prosecutor is attempting to claim that you had physical contact with the intent to cause harm, they can levy battery charges against you. Through their extensive work in criminal law, Jeffrey and Gary Grynkewich have brought about successful results to clients facing similar allegations, and they'll strive to achieve the same for you.

Contact Grynkewich Law Offices PLLC at 520-600-0477 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

What’s the Difference Between Simple and Aggravated Battery?

In Arizona, where Jeffrey and Gary Grynkewich operate, simple battery is generally viewed as the act of causing unwanted physical contact with the intent of causing harm. This is usually categorized as a misdemeanor. However, if the intent is to cause severe harm or if the person on the receiving end is particularly vulnerable, it becomes an aggravated battery, a more serious offense that could result in hefty fines and substantial incarceration. To increase your chances of seeing your charges reduced or winning your case, you need a defense lawyer driven by a ceaseless pursuit of justice. They should rigorously research your case, assertively question witnesses, and have a broad understanding of criminal law. This pursuit for justice defines Jeffrey and Gary Grynkewich, as our criminal defense attorneys. Discover what their dedicated defense can do for you. Schedule an appointment with Jeffrey or Gary today.

What Will You Do to Defend Me Against Battery Charges?

Jeffrey and Gary Grynkewich carefully analyze the prosecution's case, identifying areas of weakness. They meticulously search for signs of false allegations, evidence that the police may have erred significantly in their investigation, or conflicting facts. They then counter misleading evidence, powerfully stand against the claims of the prosecutor with stronger proof and solid arguments based on legal principles. Jeffrey and Gary Grynkewich will leverage every available resource to clear your name, reduce your penalties, and help you evade potential incarceration. Let them stand in your corner - get in touch with them today to find out how they can assist you in Arizona.

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